"There have been only 3 meetings so far and the planted seeds of my adulthood are maturing slowly. After consultations, there is no wow effect and I don't feel like a pumped-up balloon ready to burst without achieving the desired result. Therapy fits into the soul gradually and therefore becomes more valuable, important and real. With you calmly, mentally and all sorts of previously unconscious internal things are laid out on the shelves. I thank you for your support, for the ability to gently but persistently lead to the result, for the right tips and the choice of direction, for the birth of self-belief. I understand that this is the beginning of the path in therapy. But even now, after our conversations, I track my states and desires to slide into childhood trauma, which we explored together. Now I am aware of my childish part in previously standard situations and remember in time what to do. Thank you for your presence in my life, for the ability to actively listen, accept, support, guide, teach to cultivate the useful in yourself, for the ability to awaken the important and encourage you to get out of depression."